Friday, May 28, 2010

Planing your trip from New Engaland commuities.

  • "Look for hotel accommodations and tours that carry environmental friendly certifications or memberships in green industry associations - such as Green Seal or Green Leaf. Several organizations have developed standards to measure the environmental initiatives of hotels and tours. Standards vary depending on the organization; however, green hotels and tours include reducing energy consumption through fluorescent lighting, instituting recycling programs, conserving water either through installation of energy star products or by asking patrons to reuse towels and by purchasing local organic foods. When hotels and tours meet these standards, they are certified as eco-freindly."
  • Select a hotel close to public transportation or near the places you are going to visit during your stay.
  • When flying, book electronic tickets. It reduces paper waste and you are less likely to lose your ticket

What the Environment magazine have to say.

"3.85 billion years ago: earth life may have begun. Now it is being damaged by air pollutants, global warming, the greenhouse effect, and other dangers to the planet.
10,000 years ago: More than 15 billion acres of land are covered with forest. 1750–1850. 1960s: Dangers to the ozone layer from jet planes are investigated.1970: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is formed by the U.S. government to enforce laws that protect the environment.1970 (April 22):
Earth has its first official birthday celebration in the U.S. More than 20 million people march in parades, sing songs, and attend teach-ins on the environment. 1973: The Endangered Species Act is passed to protect wildlife. Every year the names of 35 to 60 insects, plants, and animals are added to the list of species threatened with extinction. By 1998, there were about 1,200 threatened and endangered plants and animals on the list.The Safe Drinking Water Act outlaws pollutants (substances in water that make people sick) to ensure that people drink safe water.
A hole is discovered in the ozone layer over the Antarctic by a British scientist, Joe Farman.
The EPA creates a superfund, setting large amounts of money aside to clean up harmful waste sites across the U.S.
Scientists discover a second hole in the ozone layer, this time over the Arctic.
1990 (April 22):
Earth Day 2 is celebrated. This time 100 million people around the globe participate. The tradition of celebrating Earth Day every year on or around April 22 is begun.
“The Decade of the Environment.” Congress passes stricter environmental laws; people are increasingly committed to protecting the environment; mandatory recycling begins in many cities and towns; cars must pass annual emissions tests to protect the air quality; people are more careful about how they use energy at home"said the Environment magazine.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Where is our environement

Well, our environment is where we live. It's all around us.our environment is our house it's where we are right now. Where the animals live is called a habitat.My habitat is the city. The habitat of a fish is the ocean or a coral reef.The habitat for a polar bear is an Arctic.A monkeys habitat is the jungle. We destroy coral reefs by polluting them and 20% is gone ,80% is in danger.The Arctic is being destroyed because the Arctic makes natural resources that we need and people go there and take them like those resources are there's.The jungle is a beautiful habitat many animals live there. There are many things that helps us live like medicine.When we cut down trees those precious resources go bye-bye and we are putting our selves in danger by every tree we cut down. We really should stop!

What is our environment ?

Well, our environnement is where we live. Our environnement is where you may be standing right now. Everbody has an environment but people don't think about it they probaly just think that they just live where they live. But some people think where they live is their environment.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

What's hurting it?

We are the ones that are destroying it. We may not realize it , but we are.The question is how ?Well we throw garbage everywhere pollute we cut down trees we do ever thing that you can think of.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


This is a blog about the environnement.This is for everyone to use.Anyone can read this blog.This is made March,4,2010.It's made in RawlinsonC.S.

What is the environnement ?

The environnement is where we live .We see it everyday it's around us , the plants , the trees everywhere and we are destroying it.Scientists know that we are destroying it.They know that we are making air pollution and all sorts of other things.We are destroying our own world.

Help the environnement .

You could start a campaing and you could do it for the environnement.Or you could join one. It's better to help then being lazy.You should really think about it. Cause you won't like to live in another planet!

Tips on helping the environnement

  • learn about the habitat first.
  • keep your garbage.
  • keep your garbage until you find a garbage can.
  • reduce,reuse,recycle.
  • stay on the path if there is one.
  • don't feed the animals or the'll get used to humans feeding them.
  • listen to your guide if you have one.
  • leave only footprints !

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tips for taking care of the environnement

learn about habitats
don't throw garbage anywhere.
don't feed the animals or else they'll get used to being fed.
keep your garbage untill you find garbage can.
don't harm habitats.
walk on the trail if there is one.
always listen yo your guide if you have one.